Water treatment is vital in industrial processes for product safety, system efficiency and regulatory compliance. Key challenges in water treatment include maintaining consistent water quality, preventing scale and corrosion, managing biological growth, and adhering to regulatory standards. Odex Chemicals Limited’s products and solutions are specifically designed to address these challenges for optimal system performance.
Odex Water Treatment Solutions
Below are our water treatment solutions for Industrial wastewater treatment, Utility water treatment, and Process water treatment.
Industrial Wastewater Treatment.
- Pollutants: removal of Organic Compounds, Nutrients (Nitrogen and phosphorus), Solids, Acids and Alkalies, and Metals)
- Removal of insoluble contaminants through Gravity Separation, and Filtration
- Removal of soluble contaminants through pH Adjustment-Chemical Precipitation, Biological Oxidation-Biochemical Reactions.
- Solid waste handling through Stabilization/Digestion, Sludge Conditioning, Dewatering, Sludge Disposal
- Environmental regulations: Clean Water Act
Utility Water Treatment.
- Boiler water treatment: monitoring treatment, and performance for Fire tube boilers, Water tube boilers, and Deaerators for deposits: occurrence and control, blowdown control, condensate system corrosion control, and boiler fireside deposit and corrosion control. This includes monitoring and control of boiler feed water deaeration.
- Cooling water treatment: Monitoring treatment and performance for Ammonia evaporative condensers, Chillers, and Cooling towers for heat transfer efficiency, corrosion control, deposit and scale control, microbiological control, and macrofouling control in once-through cooling, open recirculating cooling systems, and closed recirculating cooling systems. This includes the pretreatment of cooling water systems.
- Pasteurizer water treatment: monitoring performance and corrosion control, deposit and scale control, and microbiological control
Process Water Treatment.
- Conventional water treatment: monitoring performance on screening, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection.
- Membrane filtration: monitoring and treating RO, NF, and Ultra filtration systems. Pretreatment and membrane CIP
- Demineralization Water Treatment: monitoring performance of DM plant, pretreatment, and regeneration.
- Softener Plant: monitoring performance of DM plant, pre-treatment, and regeneration.

Our superior water treatment solutions and expertise make us your best water treatment partner. Our dedicated team is here to assist you with tailored professional support and advice to meet your needs.